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Download 2+MB through Airtel NOP

Am gettin bored lyin on da bed tryin 2 sleep but sleep is milez away 4m my eyes. Ok, so empty brain is devilz worksop! So, I think of postin sumthin 2 ma blog n an idea popped up, n thatz 2 post da 2+MB download trick 4 NOP victims!!! Yes, victims! Many peepz hav askd me dis n I've repeated 1 less than a million times da same procedure. Dis 1 is da millionth tym n aftrwards I'll always point every1 2 dis blog. Ok, so lets start! And hey, 1 more thing. I'm makin dis post 4m my bellphone, oh pardon, cellphone, so I ain't using da 4mal english. Just compressin everyfin lyk n sms. So lets get ahead. 1st thing 2 know is d requirements. U need ne opera mini mod that has d download manager. All mods above ver2 have da d'load manager. And 2nd thing u need is a fone wid Airtel NOP connection. And hey, da phone shudn't be a Nokia s40 cuz s40 bricks don't allow java apps 2 connect 2 net thru NOP. Prefer an SE phone or an s60 symbian os 8 or above phone. Apart 4m d above 2, u need an average IQ 2 understand actually what's going on. Ok, now launch opera mini mod n open da site from where u wanna d'load da file. Click the link. A Download page will popup. Press the left softkey twice 2 get da download setup page as the screenshot given here. In this page scroll down 2 da checkbox labelled 'Loading on positions beginning-end'. Check the checkbox n in da input box below enter '0-2048000' without d quotes off course.
Leave everyfin else untouched n press d left soft key twice 2 start d download.Aftr d download completes repeat same steps again but this time in the input box '2048001-4096000' and below select the radio button labelled 'Resume Interrupted' instead of 'Auto Rename'. Repeat until you've downloaded the whole file in fragments of 2MB. You've 2 repeat d steps ceil(filesize in mb/2) times. Share d trick wid ur frns n enjoy downloading large songs thru NOP. Cheers!